Fat Grafting

There’s no more natural way to enhance your appearance than with tissue from your own body. Referred to as fat transplantation, fat transfer and autologous lipografting or lipoaugmentation, fat grafting is the organic way to enhance your beauty. This treatment provides a versatile solution that can improve the appearance of the face, buttocks, and breasts.

Fat Grafting Explained

Fat grafting is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance one's appearance using their own body tissue. Fat grafting involves multiple steps. Initially, excess fat is harvested from donor sites like the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks. The extracted fat undergoes purification to remove impurities, resulting in a purified fat graft. This refined fat is then precisely injected into targeted areas like facial lines, cheeks, breasts, or buttocks. The process demands precision for a natural and balanced result. One key advantage of fat grafting is its ability to yield natural-looking outcomes, as the transferred tissue is from the patient's own body. This procedure not only enhances the desired area but also contours the donor site through liposuction. Known for its versatility and long-lasting results, fat grafting is a popular choice for those seeking an organic approach to cosmetic enhancement.

Benefits of Fat Grafting

  • Natural-Looking Results: Since the transferred tissue is sourced from the patient's own body, the outcomes tend to look and feel more natural compared to synthetic implants.
  • Dual Benefit: The procedure not only enhances the desired area but also contours the donor site through liposuction, providing a two-in-one cosmetic improvement.
  • Long-Lasting Results: While not all of the transferred fat may survive, a significant portion can become a permanent part of the new location, leading to enduring results.
  • Versatility: Fat grafting can be applied to various cosmetic purposes, such as facial rejuvenation, buttock augmentation, or breast enhancement, offering a versatile solution.
  • Minimized Allergic Reactions: As the procedure uses the patient's own tissue, the risk of allergic reactions or rejection is minimal, making it a safer option for many individuals.
  • Improved Contouring: Beyond enhancing specific areas, fat grafting allows for the shaping and contouring of the donor site through liposuction, providing an overall improved body silhouette.
  • Minimal Scarring: The procedure involves small incisions for both liposuction and injection, resulting in minimal scarring compared to more invasive surgical methods.
  • Reduced Downtime: Recovery time is generally shorter compared to more extensive surgical procedures, allowing patients to resume normal activities sooner.

How a Board-certified Dermatologist Can Help

A board-certified dermatologist brings essential expertise to fat grafting procedures, excelling in personalized consultations and treatment plans. Their thorough understanding of facial and body aesthetics ensures a careful assessment of patient concerns and goals. Proficient in injection techniques and liposuction, dermatologists expertly harvest and purify the patient's own fat, ensuring precision during the injection phase. Their role extends to post-procedure care, monitoring healing and providing skincare recommendations. Upholding the highest standards of safety and ethics, board-certified dermatologists offer a reliable and professional approach to fat grafting, aligning with individual needs for optimal aesthetic outcomes.

Fat Grafting FAQs

While not all transferred fat survives, a significant portion becomes permanent. Results can be long-lasting, but individual experiences vary.

Discomfort is generally minimal, and local anesthesia is often used during both the harvesting and injection phases. Post-operative discomfort is manageable with appropriate pain management.

Yes, fat grafting can be combined with other procedures like facelifts or breast augmentation to achieve comprehensive results.

Some swelling is common initially, and not all the transferred fat survives. Final results become more apparent as swelling subsides, typically within a few weeks to months.

While a significant portion of the transferred fat can become permanent, individual results may vary. Maintenance procedures may be required for optimal and sustained results.

What to Expect at Your Fat Grafting Appointment

When you schedule an appointment with one of our qualified surgeons you can expect a comprehensive and patient-focused experience that prioritizes your unique needs and concerns.

How to Prepare for Fat Grafting

Preparing for fat grafting involves scheduling a consultation with a qualified surgeon, providing medical history, and following pre-operative instructions. Arrange transportation for the day and set up a comfortable recovery space at home. Have someone available to assist during the initial days of recovery. Plan time off work for proper rest. Following these guidelines and surgeon's instructions ensures you are well-prepared for a successful fat grafting procedure.

Planning for Recovery after Fat Grafting

Treatment will likely result in temporary swelling and bruising. All swelling should subside after about 1 to 2 months, at which point your physician will assess your results to determine whether you would benefit from repeat treatments.